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It is indisputably true that our daily life activities, from jogging or gymming to home chores, may become a stumbling block for us and force us to go through a lot. Whether it’s normal pain, sprain, or strain, we usually brush it off and attempt to let it heal on its own. However, it does not always work, and we go to the specialist when the problem worsens and the agony becomes unbearable. Before knowing the need to visit a physiotherapist, we should know the distinction between a sprain and a strain.


A sprain occurs when a ligament is overstretched, ripped, or twisted. A ligament is a fibrous band of tissue that joins bones or cartilage. Ligaments are commonly seen near joints. Wrists, ankles, thumbs, and knees are among the most commonly sprained areas.

Signs of a Sprain

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • restrained movement around the joint
  • Bruising
  • Difficulty or inability to use the joint
  • A “cracking” feel during the injury


A strain occurs when a tendon or muscle is overstretched, ripped, or twisted. A tendon is a strong fibrous tissue cord that links muscles to bones. Legs, knees, feet, and back are commonly stressed regions.

Signs of a Strain

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Cramps or muscle spasms
  • Restrained movement in the area
  • Muscle weakness

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a therapeutic strategy that focuses on movement science and assists people in restoring, maintaining, and optimizing their physical strength, function, mobility, and overall well-being by treating the underlying physical difficulties. A physiotherapy session includes manual therapy, advice, and education for the patient. Physiotherapy may assist patients of any age to manage their pain and avoid additional injuries or infections. Physiotherapy helps a patient develop and enhance his or her physical strength, function, and overall fitness while addressing underlying concerns.

5 Everyday Injuries A Physiotherapist Can Treat

Physiotherapy is an extremely successful treatment for a wide range of ailments, diseases, and accidents. This specialized therapy assists in the rehabilitation of afflicted body parts’ flexibility, motion, and function. Physiotherapy makes use of medically established physical methods as well as an extensive understanding of how the human body operates. Below are five common injuries that occur to any age group, from kids to old people:

1. Lower Back Pain

Technology has transformed the globe, but it has also compelled many people to live more desk-bound lifestyles. And hence, there are plenty of adverse effects on our bodies, and lower back pain is one of them. A huge proportion of back pain is non-precise and this indicates that the variety of factors behind this issue is non-diagnosable. Nevertheless, some of the back pain in your body might be the consequence of disc herniation, facet injury, or muscle strain. Thus, if you frequently have lower back distress, it is critical that you receive medical attention. A physiotherapist can diagnose the condition and choose the safest and most effective therapy to guarantee quick rehabilitation.

2. Ankle Sprain

Ligaments are firm bands of fibrous connective tissue that connect bones together. An ankle sprain happens when a ligament is strained, injured, or burst. Twisting, stumbling, or being struck by a significant force are the most common causes of ligament sprains. Ankle and wrist sprains are frequent and generally occur after a slip or fall or during getting in touch with sports. This injury is especially frequent during activities or sports that demand sudden changes in direction, such as sprinting on uneven ground or skipping.

3. Headache & Migraine

Headaches affect the human body detrimentally, and people suffering from tension headaches or migraines are unable to do their daily life activities since the severity of the pain leads to throbbing, nausea, and light sensitivity. Tension headaches impact the entire head and frequently feel like a tight band is wrapped around it. This type of headache occurs when the muscles in your head and neck tense, and it can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Migraine pain can only be felt on the left or right side of your head. A migraine rarely wraps around your entire head. This one-sided headache is a disease that might repeat unless addressed.

4. Muscle Strain

A muscle strain is also called a muscle tear or a pulled muscle. The situation occurs when there is sudden pressure on the muscle and it stretches outside its limits. The lower back, hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius muscles are especially vulnerable to such tension while being swiftly sped up and slowed down. There are several treatments available for a muscular strain that can help minimize discomfort and swelling and promote full recovery. One of the best treatments is physiotherapy, in which the physiotherapist will design a sports-specific rehabilitation program suited to the patient’s demands.

5. Knee Pain

Knee pain is a frequent ailment among individuals of all ages. Sports that entail a lot of leaping, cutting, or carrying a lot of weight can aggravate the muscles and tissues surrounding the knee. Knee discomfort is frequently linked to daily activities or working restlessly. It might also be the consequence of an injury, such as a sprained ankle or torn cartilage. Knee pain can also be caused by medical disorders such as arthritis and gout. Running is an excellent type of exercise, but it is also a commonplace source of knee disquiet. If the knee pain in your body is generated by running, a physiotherapist can assist you in identifying variables that may be contributing to your discomfort and getting you back on your feet pain-free!

In a nutshell, the aforementioned injuries are fairly common and can affect people of any age. Some people avoid seeing specialists in order to avoid taking medication or receiving treatment that will aggravate their condition. However, it might be a sigh of relief for them to know that physiotherapy treatment can help them heal in a short span of time. It’s worth mentioning that our body can heal itself on its own with the passage of time, but it’s uncertain that you will again gain the same energy or power and also how long it may take to get better. Therefore, it is suggested to visit a physiotherapist for such injuries and pain.

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